The hemangioma started to be itchy and Julia was scratching it. The whole time we were applying Alantan but it wasn't helping. We have e-mailed Dr Wyrzykowski again, first time in 6 months. He said for the itch we could try Fenistil or Zyrtec but what we really should do is... to have the hemangioma removed. Our paediatrician, who specializes in allergology - so she knows a lot about how to treat all sorts of itches - said, that Fenistil or Zyrtec won't help. We went back to keeping Julia's fingernails short and watching her so she wouldn't damage the tissue again. At the same time we were thinking a lot about the surgery and after a few days we made a decision - we are going to have it.
Despite our efforts Julia managed to make couple of scratch marks on her tumour.
Luckily, this time there weren't any signs of infection.
Luckily, this time there weren't any signs of infection.
10 weeks later - 2 days before surgery
All was set. We have flown to Gdańsk to see dr Wyrzykowski and to get the hemangioma removed.
The last two pictures of Julia's hemangioma.
Continue reading: The surgery
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